Arduino instructions.

Learn the basics of the Arduino ecosystem.

Install Dramco Uno software

1. Install and/or open the Arduino IDE software

Download the latest Arduino IDE and open Arduino on your computer. When downloading Arduino, you'll be prompted to donate. This is not required.

2. Add additional board manager URL in preferences

Go to File > Preferences. Add the following URL in the "Additional Board Managers URLs" field.

3. Install Dramco Uno Board Support

Go to Tools > Board > Board Manager. Search for "Dramco" and look for the latest Dramco Uno version. Click "Install".

4. Select the Dramco Uno board

Go to Tools > Board > Dramco Uno. Select the "Dramco Uno v3v2v1" board. Select the appropriate COM port as well (often labeled with USB).

Start coding

1. Blinking LED

Create a program that blinks (on/off/on/off/...) a LED on your board. Use and adapt the following functions: pinMode(10104, OUTPUT), digitalWrite(10104, HIGH) and delay(500). The built in LED on the Dramco Uno is connected to pin 10104.

2. Button LED

Use the on-board button to control the LED. When you're pressing the button, the LED should light up. When the button is not pressed, the light should go off. Add the extra function digitalRead(4410) in an if(...){}else{} statement. The built in button is connected to pin 4410. Don't forget to set this pin as INPUT_PULLUP.

3. Serial port: communicate with PC

The Dramco Uno can communicate with a computer connected to the USB port. Use the serial port to do so. Use these functions: Serial.begin(9600) and Serial.println("Hello world!"). You can look at the messages in the serial monitor in Arduino.

4. Test sensors

We'll now test the sensors on the Dramco Uno board: light sensor and temperature sensor. Determine the range (min/max value) of these sensors by printing the value to the serial monitor. To read a sensor value, use analogRead(A0).The light sensor is connected to pin A0, the temperature sensor to pin A1. To use the temperature sensor, drive pin 8 HIGH.

5. Sensor applications

Your knowledge of Arduino should now be sufficient to make some sensor applications.

  1. Create a program that turns the led on when no light is detected.
  2. Blink an LED with a frequency dependent on the current temperature.