Home > WaveComBox > Toolbox > Receiver > Synchronization.m



Synchronization of the received signal.


function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para, d_TR )


 Synchronization of the received signal.

 function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para )
 function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para, d_TR )

 The function works for SISO systems.

 Input arguments:

   r: received signal. Size: vector [1, nFrameSamples].

   Para: structure containing the modulation parameters.

   d_TR: mandatory for FBMC-OQAM, vector [Para.nSubcarriers, 1] of pilot symbols.

 Outputs arguments:

   r_corrected: received corrected signal. Size: vector [1, ~]

   Delta_tau_hat: estimated STO [sampling periods].

   Delta_omega_hat: estimated CFO [rad/s].

 See also OFDM_Synchronization, FBMC_OQAM_Synchronization.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para, d_TR )
0002 % Synchronization of the received signal.
0003 %
0004 % function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para )
0005 % function [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = Synchronization( r, Para, d_TR )
0006 %
0007 % The function works for SISO systems.
0008 %
0009 % Input arguments:
0010 %
0011 %   r: received signal. Size: vector [1, nFrameSamples].
0012 %
0013 %   Para: structure containing the modulation parameters.
0014 %
0015 %   d_TR: mandatory for FBMC-OQAM, vector [Para.nSubcarriers, 1] of pilot symbols.
0016 %
0017 % Outputs arguments:
0018 %
0019 %   r_corrected: received corrected signal. Size: vector [1, ~]
0020 %
0021 %   Delta_tau_hat: estimated STO [sampling periods].
0022 %
0023 %   Delta_omega_hat: estimated CFO [rad/s].
0024 %
0025 % See also OFDM_Synchronization, FBMC_OQAM_Synchronization.
0027 % This file is part of WaveComBox: www.wavecombox.com and is distributed under
0028 % the terms of the MIT license. See accompanying LICENSE file.
0029 % Original author: François Rottenberg, June 29, 2018.
0030 % Contributors:
0031 % Change log:
0034 switch Para.Modulation
0035     case 'CP-OFDM'
0036         [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = OFDM_Synchronization( r, Para );
0037     case 'FBMC-OQAM'
0038         [ r_corrected, Delta_tau_hat, Delta_omega_hat ] = FBMC_OQAM_Synchronization( r, d_TR, Para );
0039     otherwise
0040         error('Synchronization not implemented for this modulation')
0041 end
0044 end

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