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a Matlab Toolbox for Communications
using New Waveforms!
Communications using new waveforms, making time-frequency resources extremely flexible, have received more and more attention for the last decade. The WaveComBox toolbox considerably lowers the entrance barrier of these recently proposed waveforms and allows for simple implementation of typical physical layer functionalities.
WaveComBox is an open-source toolbox, free of use and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Please cite us our paper if you use WaveComBox in your works (bibtex).

Why going for new waveforms?

Future generations of communications systems will target a very wide range of applications, with possibly very different specifications. This implies the need for an ultra flexible physical layer technology. In this regard, the current most popular modulation, namely, the OFDM modulation, is characterized by a very poor frequency localization, making frequency resource allocation much less flexible. In the light of these limitations, communications using new waveforms, relying on more sophisticated time windowing or filtering, are regarded as more and more interesting solutions.

Key features

WaveComBox is user-friendly, easy to apprehend and flexible. It addresses both SISO and MIMO systems. It implements conventional physical layer signal processing operations. Channel models include type impairments of wireless and optical fiber mediums. The toolbox is open-source, allowing for easily checking and modifying the source code. It is documented with help files and examples. Finally, a forum is available to help users discuss of their problem and propose new contributions to the toolbox.